What is Occlusal Disease?
Occlusal disease forms when a patient’s bite is not properly aligned. Because of the ill-alignment, every time the patient bites down the pressure on the teeth begins to create problems with the teeth, muscles, jaw, and jaw joint. Occlusal disease is one of the most common dental disorders, while at the same time one of the most undiagnosed dental disorders.
Symptoms of Occlusal Disease are varied. Where the teeth compact upon each other it’s common to find the enamel completely worn down. Once enamel, which is the hardest surface in the body, is worn down the teeth begin to show visible wear quickly. It’s not uncommon for teeth to look very worn.
Teeth can also become loose and move much easier. They will oftentimes become sensitive to temperature changes and they’ll likely become sore from biting. Teeth can also fracture much easier. Beyond the structural damage to a person’s teeth is the damage done to the person’s jaw and joints. A patient’s jaw muscles can become sore and painful and headaches are a common complaint. Our doctors have also found that patients with occlusal disease have jaw joints that pop and click while eating. Not only is this annoying but can be painful.
What Happens If Occlusal Disease Is Untreated
Without treatment, a patient’s teeth will continue to wear down and become worse over time. Eventually the teeth can become completely lost. A patient’s muscle and jaw joints will continue to cause discomfort. Overall the complexity of the treatment becomes worse. It’s better to solve occlusal disease as early as possible.
How Woodburn Modern Dental Will Treat Occlusal Disease
Once diagnosed we can prescribe treatment. Depending on your case it could involve simple orthodontic treatments, mild reshaping of the teeth, restorations of worn teeth or a combination of several treatments. The earlier we diagnose the less complex the treatment becomes.
The key to preventing occlusal disease starts with a thorough examination and diagnosis. If you are suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned please let us know so we can take a closer look. Early intervention will help us to solve costly problems that can be avoided.
If you are concerned about occlusal disease please let us have a look. Give us a call at (503) 305-2525 or send us an email to schedule a consultation.