What Are Veneers?
Veneers are a dependable, affordable solution to imperfect smiles. They are thin, tooth-colored porcelain shells that cover your natural teeth. Long-lasting and natural-looking, they can protect your teeth from further damage and give you the beautiful smile you desire.
Are Veneers Right For You?
Veneers can help with any of the following issues:
Worn down, chipped, or broken teeth
Stained or discolored teeth
Uneven or irregularly shaped teeth
Gaps between teeth
Whether one of our doctors are helping fill in a gap, lengthening a worn-down tooth, or covering cracks or chips, veneers can give you a fuller, more symmetrical smile — one that you can show the world with confidence.
How Woodburn Modern Dental Can Help With Veneers:
You greet the world with your smile, and if you have discolored, uneven, or cracked teeth, it may be difficult to do so confidently. The good news is that Woodburn Modern Dental has a solution for you. Using veneers, we can help you change the color, shape, length, alignment, and spacing of your teeth.
Veneers may be the quickest, easiest way to enhance your smile. Often, in just two to three visits to our practice, you can have a brand new, gorgeous smile. Call us today at (503) 305-2525 or reach out to us via email and together we will determine if vaneers are the best solution for you!